Sunday, July 7, 2013

What Have You Become?

Feminism, Sexism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Athiesm, Fundamentalism, Liberalism, Terrorism, Secularism, etc. 

All these "ism"'s are being thrown around nowadays, along with many more. But I think this is interesting because it shows us many different things about society. Are we slowly becoming more and more isolated? Are we becoming more and more selfish? Are we creating new walls to separate people, while we break down the old walls that were already there? 
Think about this! 
Many of us grew up with "learned prejudice". Some of us were taught that a certain group or type of person was "bad", this we could not associate with them. So, ever since we were born we have become one of this "ism"s. which one are you?......think about it.....
Are you a racist? Sexist? A radical Islamist? Are you a Feminist? What have you become? 
Due to the set up of our culture/society, we naturally have to "adapt" to certain stimuli. Well, often because of this, the values we were conditioned into as a child (whether good or bad) are challenged. Thus, we often become the very thing we at one time were against. For instance, if you were someone who was against completely, to the idea of homosexuality and the entire LGBT Community, but for some reason, due to certain circumstances you realize that maybe YOU are attracted to the same sex! So, you try and see what the lifestyle is like. Then you suddenly realize that your previous stance on this issue or group, is no longer how you feel. So in essence you become the LGBT Community. Has something like this happened to you lately?....think about it!...
In the American Consitution it says that every human person has the "inalienable" rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This means that these rights are innate. They can not be isolated from our human condition. If we hold this objective standard to be true, than what have should become in your world that is hindering you from truly living out these rights? Is your pursuit of happiness being hindered because you have a chip on your shoulder against a certain "group" or "type of person"? 
Often, people ask me "what do you think we need to do to change the culture into a culture of peace and justice"? I always give the same answer. We need to take time to retreat into ourselves at the same time each day and learn about ourselves. Why do we click a particular way? Then after we do that, GO OUT and do something that is normal but in an EXTRAORDINARY way. Like if you are in a drive through and there's a car behind you, buy their meal. Take time to smile at someone and tell them they are important and not to give up. And finally I always say to people that you need to educate yourself and those around you. Get informed. Get active. But before you do that always take time to first check yourself and change yourself by changing the world. The only way we can learn to live in a functional world is if we get rid of our dysfunction and all of the dysfunction around us. This relates to my previous post about "Disarming Your Heart". If you are constantly on the defense in your inner being than you won't be able to be open to the blessings that are in store for you. Create peace by becoming peace. 
What have you become? What should you be?......think about it......

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