Have you started getting anxious about things, people, or places for whatever reason and it's starting to affect your life negatively?
Alot of times in our lives, we get involved with people or things in certain places that in the beginng seem to be a good thing, however we slowly realize it is harming us more than helping us.
We have to always keep in our mind that we are “Pilgrims On A Journey”. The point of this blog is to help you take time to reflect on your day to day life and aid you in progressing down the road you are called to.
One of the important things for us to do in our lives, is to take time to determine what we need to get rid of in our lives that is hindering us MORE than helping us. It is good to at times burn those bridges that connect you to things, people, or places that are unnecessary in your life. Then on the other hand it's also beneficial to tear down those walls that keep you from those people who are there to aid you, those places that are meant for your good, or those things that will aid you in becoming a better “pilgrim”.
There is always a positive and negative means to an end. You want to consistently lean towards the positive but occasionally the negative is inevitable and in the end will benefit you without seeming like it does. So, do you know of some bridges you need to burn? Are there some walls you need to tear down?
There's a Catholic Hymn by David Haas called the “Servant Song”. It's one of my favorite Social Justice hymns. Well I think one of the verses gives us a clear explanation of how we should view life....
“We are pilgrims on a journey. We are travelers on the road. We are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load.” -David Hass “The Servant Song”
This is our meaning in life. Keep this as your mindset. Aid your fellow man. Be a blessing to those around you at all times.
Burn those bridges that keep you from truly living out those words by Haas and tear down those walls that are keeping the people, places, or things you need in life to progress down the pilgrim road.
Peace and love,
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