What an awesome blog post from Fr. Nathan Monk. Love this guy! We got to remember that if we are called to be "salt for the earth" then that means we should bring "Flavor" to the "meal of life", Often times, we use that salt which we are called to be and pour it on the wounds of the broken and oppressed instead of being a tool for God to use, so healing may begin. Masturbation, pornography, hate, bigotry, stealing, etc. Scripture is clear that those things are sins but being LGBTQ is not.....LGBTQ sexual actions are. Why? because they are outside marriage, just as straight people having relations outside of marriage is a sin. The Catechism is very clear about that. We need to get our priorities straight (no pun intended) and decide which is more important, Labeling people for being different than you, or going out of your way to be Jesus to those who dont know Jesus? Remember, Jesus challenged the Religious Institution of the day and the Political establishment by calling them out for their sins when they were going to stone the "adulterous woman" (again with the labeling). However, He did not label her and allow her to be stoned. Jesus forgave her and challenged her to sin no more, than she left. You can do the same if you put aside your judgmental religiosity and replace it with radical compassion like Jesus. Be love to the unloveable. Deus Caritas Est.
Jeff is Gay by Fr. Nathan Monk
Jeff is Gay by Fr. Nathan Monk